The emergency rescue model program of the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) in Hajdú-Bihar county started operating on July 1st, the OMSZ told MTI on Saturday.
According to the available information, the on-call service has been launched in each of the eighteen sites connected with special vehicles and equipment and highly qualified specialists, with the aim of taking over emergency care from GPs, thus speeding up and improving patient care.
It is planned that next year the OMSZ will operate the emergency service throughout the country, they added. It was also reported that other sites will be added to the system during the next few weeks once the necessary administrative processes have been completed. During the transition period, on-call care will remain continuous everywhere, and the new system will also have “out-of-office” on-call services at 21 points in the county (including 10 district centers).
Emergency calls are received at the rescue control center and, based on the information received, the unit that provides the most appropriate care for patients (emergency car or ambulance) is launched, so that even immediate life-saving assistance can be provided. In the district centers, in addition to doctors, graduate ambulance officers and highly qualified nurses provide care to patients. Rescue officers are graduates with independent decision-making and intervention powers, who are also entitled to perform medical interventions based on their practice and competency tests, they added. According to the announcement, the new on-call system will also increase the range of on-site examinations and services, as patients who go to district on-call centers for on-call care can receive non-hospital laboratory tests, medication or infusion treatment, and patient monitoring. It will not be necessary to refer the patient to a hospital. This can reduce unnecessary use of hospital capacity and patients do not have to travel longer distances, they wrote.