Man hits his co-worker with a backhoe forklift at a factory

Local News

The Debrecen District Prosecutor’s Office brought charges against the negligent truck driver for negligent endangerment in the course of his occupation.

The defendant has been working as a forklift driver since November 2019 at a factory in Kokad.

On June 26, 2020, at 7:45 a.m., the defendant lifted pallets from a vehicle assembly using a forklift lifting machine at the plant site.

After the man unloaded the two pallets of goods with the machine, he suddenly began to reverse with a forklift without a rear-view mirror without looking back in front of him or giving a beep to the vehicle. The man, through his inattention, was also unsure whether another person was in the vicinity of the vehicle, so the reversing truck struck a victim walking on foot behind the machine who had fallen due to the collision.

The victim suffered bruising injuries to his limbs and head, as well as a fracture of his left leg, and his fracture injury healed in more than 8 days.

By his conduct, the defendant violated the relevant legal regulations, according to which he should have made sure that no one was in the danger area or given a safety signal before starting the machine before reversing. The man was aware of the legal requirements, as he received safety training during his employment and his job description included that he was responsible for the safety of those near the load and those working in the work area as a forklift driver.

The accused admitted to committing the crime during the investigation carried out by the Berettyóújfalu Police Headquarters.

The Debrecen District Prosecutor’s Office brought charges before the Debrecen District Court for negligent threats against the accused. In the indictment for the execution of the sentence, the district prosecutor’s office proposed that the district court impose a fine on the accused without conducting a trial, based on the content of the documents.

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