Hundred: this number alone is a huge achievement when it comes to blood donation numbers, but if it was achieved by a lady, it is extraordinary to do this voluntary benefit. As is well known, women are not allowed to donate blood more than four times a year and also have to take a break from a range of maternal health conditions.
She helped three hundred people
Therefore, the 100th blood donation of Ferenc Lászlóné Szalai made the blood donation day of the Hungarian Red Cross Debrecen Territorial Organization in Létavértes on August 6, 2021. The lady, “Ani,” as the mother of three girls, donated blood specifically in the deportations. As she noted, she hopes that other of her fellow women will achieve this result in Létavértes, where in 2019 Mária Soós has already proved that women can also increase the number of 100-fold anniversaries. But we note that the blood donation number of the two ladies is unprecedented not only in Létavértes, but also in the Debrecen region and the county. These exceptional voluntary blood donation ladies may not be coincidental: here, Ferenc Lászlón Szalai is not only a multiple blood donor, but also the voluntary blood donor organizer of the Hungarian Red Cross.
What guided you to donate blood persistently?
Intention to help and sense of responsibility: Blood was needed within the family as well, my aunt was treated with kidney stones for 25 years, she was operated on several times, and blood was directed to the procedure several times. They asked for my help because of those who suffered an accident in Létavért. Not only did they turn to me with confidence as a blood donation organizer, they knew I was also giving blood, or if I couldn’t just then, I know who they could ask for and would be happy to leave. Although I did not work in the field of health care, I performed many tasks that are close to health care, so I knew that the blood supplies needed for health care in Hungary are kept at the level of voluntary blood donations. With a blood donation, we help three unknown people in trouble: it is a wonderful feeling that I have helped my 300 companions in total. As a blood donation organizer, I have a good relationship with every blood donor to this day, they know that I am there every time
– she added.
Hajdú-Bihar County Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross