The Hungarian Red Cross Hajdú-Bihar County Organization has launched a fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees

Local News

A collection of durable food, hygiene products, baby food, diapers, blankets, and other basic products has started in the headquarters and regional offices of the Hungarian Red Cross Hajdú-Bihar County Organization to help those in need due to the situation in Ukraine. The organization is also waiting for volunteers to apply for humanitarian service.

At the same time, the nationwide action will continue on the donation line 1359 and the account number of the Hungarian Red Cross 10405004-00026548-00000009, which can be called at any time.

Due to the situation in Ukraine, the Hungarian Red Cross Hajdú-Bihar County Organization is announcing a fundraiser to provide humanitarian assistance to those arriving in Hungary and Hajdú-Bihar County. Durable foods, blankets, hygiene products; wipes, diapers (mainly 3-4-5 sizes), paper handkerchiefs, infant formula, baby food, glass soup, instant (3 in one) coffee, chocolate, lemon juice, tea grass, sugar, small packs of salt and sweet biscuits in the county center (Debrecen, Simonffy u. 44.) and – listed below – regional offices.

Of course, the donations are used by the organization according to the specific needs (for example, the organization is also preparing for the long-term care of families, children and individuals in need in Ukraine due to the situation in Ukraine).

Volunteers are also needed, so those who want to help as activists in the county and regional offices are welcome to apply for current humanitarian assignments for border services.

The national action of the Hungarian Red Cross to help those in need due to the situation in Ukraine continues. By calling the Hungarian Red Cross’s donation line 1359, this service can be supported from time to time with HUF 250 or by direct transfer. The Hungarian Red Cross directs incoming donations to humanitarian activities, and its primary task in the present situation is to help those affected by the humanitarian crisis as effectively as possible. The donation will be accepted on account 10405004-00026548-00000009 of the Hungarian Red Cross (requesting the definition of ‘humanitarian crisis in the Communication) or on the online website.

The advantage of a monetary donation is that it can be spent flexibly on what is currently needed and the full service is supported by the offeror.

Before handing over a larger quantity of offerings, please consult with the Red Cross by phone.

County and regional offices of the Hungarian Red Cross in Hajdú-Bihar county:

Hajdú-Bihar County Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross

Address: 4025 Debrecen, Simonffy u. 44.,
Tel: 52 / 531-427

Debrecen Regional Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross
4025 Debrecen, Simonffy u. 44.
Tel .: 52 / 414-321

Territorial Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross
4060 Balmazújváros, Debreceni u. 12.
Tel .: 52 / 274-749

Territorial Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross Berettyóújfalu
4100 Berettyóújfalu, József Attila u. 35.
Tel .: 54 / 402-078
Éva Baloghné Gulyás – regional manager

Hungarian Red Cross Hajdúböszörmény Regional Organization
4220 Hajdúböszörmény, II. Rákóczi Ferenc u. 22.
Tel .: 52/228-760

Hungarian Red Cross Hajdúnánás Regional Organization
4080 Hajdúnánás, Dorogi u. 5.
Tel .: 52/570-613

Territorial Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross
4200 Hajdúszoboszló, Kossuth u. 9.
Tel .: 52/361-553

Territorial Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross
4150 Püspökladány, Bocskai u. 48.
Tel .: 06 / 54-739-193


Hajdú-Bihar County Organization of the Hungarian Red Cross

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