The project of the MotoGP track in Hajdúnánás is delayed

Local News

The government plans to build a MotoGP track next to Hajdúnánás for HUF 65 billion, and although the races were originally planned for next year, they will certainly not come together, because not a single work has taken place in the area.

There is a clause in the contract that by the end of January 2022, if the investment is delayed, then the 20-year period will only start from 2024. This delay has already been communicated to the international rights holder. has been informed that only those farmers who would build the racetrack will now receive a specific offer for the first time. When asked why the earthworks did not start, Humda Zrt. replied: “There are land areas that are not state-owned, so the first step was to create the legal background for their acquisition.”

To the question of how the construction is now, the company replied:

“The two most important tasks of the current investment are to acquire the real estate needed for the investment and to carry out the planning tasks. Spatial planning is already in its final stages. Acquisition of real estate in the location of the investment is currently underway, and in May all property owners concerned are expected to receive a previously agreed and prepared contract for the exchange land and a binding offer for the sale or expropriation. ”

A total of 650 hectares of arable land must be purchased or exchanged with farmers.

The Construction of the MotoGP Track in Hajdúnánás Might Start This Year

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