As of July 1, 2021, the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) launched an emergency care system in Hajdú-Bihar County within the framework of a model program, the aim of which is to provide higher quality, modern, and professionally uniform patient care. The European Union provided HUF 1.1 billion in non-refundable support for the program, the ambulance service told MTI on Thursday.
It was written that the emergency care system launched in Hajdú-Bihar County will result in higher quality patient care and, at the same time, higher health gains, as it will provide patients with easy access (single gate entry).
The on-call management integrated with the rescue management system of the National Ambulance Service implements a more efficient organization of care and guarantees the care implemented according to a high-quality, unified professional concept – read in the announcement.
They add that the advantage of the system is not only the modern, unified equipment but also the continuous possibility of providing services along with protocols and specialist teleconsultation.
On-call system supported by a project of the Human Resources Development Operational Program (Efop)
In Hajdú-Bihar county 22 locations – Balmazújváros, Berettyóújfalu, Biharkeresztes, Debrecen (2 pcs), Derecske, Hajdúböszörmény, Hajdúhadház, Hajdúnánás, Hajdúsámson, Hajdúszoboszló, Kaba, Komádi, Létavértes, Nád , Customs spear
– created
The Efop project has been completed, and the OMSZ’s on-call system will continue to operate smoothly, they said.