Thanks to a young couple, 30 needy families received a “Christmas tree of love” in Debrecen

Local News

The Debrecen Women’s Public Life Association of Kéretlen Figyelem handed over the Tree of Love to 30 families on Thursday morning. According to their press release, the association bought the distributed, very beautiful pines from the Christmas fund-raising campaign, which were provided to them at a huge discount by a generous young entrepreneurial couple from Debrecen.

All of the families are disadvantaged and live in difficult conditions. Without this help, he would not have had a Christmas tree this year. The Forrás Mental Health Center primarily invited the needy people living in the Tócóskert Housing Estate, and the trees were delivered to the site by members of the association.

Most of them said that they can put up a Christmas tree for the first time after many years, they never even dared to think about it until now. “This way, the holiday will have a different atmosphere, even if we live in poverty,” said a grandmother with sparkling eyes.

“The smell of pine is also part of the holiday, but so far we have only imagined it in the room”

– quotes Ibolya Kádár Tukoráné, one of the needy people, the president of the association.

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