Niki, the newly trained service dog, and a package inspection X-ray also help the work of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) at the Debrecen International Airport.
The package inspection X-ray equipment put into operation in December helps NAV employees and travelers alike in checking passengers arriving from outside the European Union, as the inspection is quick and simple.
If there are no prohibited or reportable products in the passenger’s luggage, they can continue their journey immediately. In December, after successful training, Niki, the 17-month-old German shepherd, started working at Debrecen airport. The always nice and friendly dog knows no jokes at work.
Its primary task is to search for undeclared cigarettes and cash in excess of the permitted amount in the passenger and goods traffic of the airport. The pair of dog and dog handlers are not separated at the end of the working day, Niki is also considered a family member in our colleagues’ home. The CCEI program of the European Union provided financial support for the purchase of Niki.
Photos: NAV