MH István Bocskai’s 11th Armored Hajdúdandár will redeploy between Táborfalva and Debrecen on Wednesday, so increased military vehicle traffic should be expected on the affected road sections, the Ministry of Defense (HM) said.
According to the announcement, increased military vehicle traffic is expected on the route Táborfalva – Örkény, Tatárszentgyörgyi út – Örkény, Bartók Béla út – M5 motorway – 405 motorway – M4 motorway – main road 4 – M35 motorway – Debrecen.
The Hungarian Armed Forces asks drivers to observe the traffic rules and approach military vehicles with due caution, as their size and speed, as well as the length and way of moving convoys, are different from what is customary in everyday road traffic.
Civilian vehicles cannot enter between the vehicles of the closed procession, therefore the movement of the vehicles is ensured by escort vehicles – they emphasized.
They requested that motorists drive near the military marching columns taking into account the current road conditions, as well as the weather and visibility conditions.
The Hungarian Defense Forces, in compliance with the law, strives to disturb the peace of citizens as little as possible, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement.