High school students from Debrecen paint the local hospice house

Local News

The students of the Construction Technology and Technical Vocational School of the Vocational Training Center in Debrecen will paint the 20-bed local hospice house.

“With everything they do here, they try to provide a dignified environment for those in difficult situations,” said Balázs Hankó, the Secretary of State responsible for higher education, innovation, vocational training and adult education at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation.

Dénes Páll, the vice president of the Clinical Center of the University of Debrecen spoke highly of the initiative, praising the students’ participation in improving the quality of life of terminally ill patients.

Porkoláb Gyöngyi, the chairman of the board of trustees of the Debrecen Hospice Ház Foundation, reminded us that their basic objective is to provide dignified conditions to those in the last stages of their illness. He added that their motto also refers to this: With dignity, together!

Sándor Szilágyi, the headmaster of the school, expressed his hope that the initiative in Debrecen will have followers elsewhere in the country.


Main picture: Students of the Construction Technology and Technical Vocational School of the Debrecen Vocational Training Center paint the wall of one of the wards in the Debrecen Hospice Ház Foundation building in Debrecen on June 7, 2023. The school’s students paint the twenty-bed local hospice house. MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi

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