The dogs were beaten by their owners – we can easily help them through an association in Debrecen

Local News

The ‘Puli Állatvédő Egyesület’ in Debrecen wants to collect HUF 62,000 (approx. 166.13 EUR) so that nine dogs with a difficult fate can be placed in a better place.

As they write in their Facebook post, 2 dogs are released from hell, from Bocskaikert to the Remény Lak association. Their owner hit them, beat them, and kept them on a short chain (procedure in progress), and 7 dogs would be released from the lawn master’s farm if the removal fee could be collected.

The import fee is 42,000 HUF (approx. 112.54 EUR), and the freight cost is 20,000 HUF (approx. 53.59 EUR).

Here’s how you can help the animals:

Telephone Adhat line- 13600/47 annex
The amount of support is HUF 500 / call or SMS
Account number: 11738015 20002987 00000000 (lawn dogs and transport)
IBAN number: HU76 11738015 20002987 00000000

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