The most beautiful forest in the country was celebrated in Debrecen

Local News

In connection with the Big Forest Week program series, NYÍRERDŐ Zrt. Forestry of Debrecen once again organized the Big  Forest Day. On October 10, 1939, from Ohati to the Gúthi forest, a total of 35 places and 74 hectares were designated as a natural monument. A thirty-hectare piece of the northeastern corner of the Big Forest, and five smaller pieces below, were registered as the first item in the Hungarian Nature Reserve Genealogy.

In his unusual speech, Zoltán Gencsi, the president of the Debrecen Local Group of the National Forestry Association, recalled not only this date but also the most important events of the past two centuries of the forest. The years were read out by a little boy from a “time stick” made for this occasion. This year is also memorable, as the Debrecen Forest was chosen as the most beautiful forest in Hungary in the Internet poll of the Ministry of Agriculture.

After the speech, representatives of the city of Debrecen, the Debrecen Valuables Committee, the Nagyerdő Society, the Hortobágy National Park Directorate, the Tiszántúl Water Directorate, the Nature Reserve, the top hunters of the landscape, the National Forestry Association and NYÍRERDő Zrt. laid a wreath on the “A rebirth of nature” monument.

More than four hundred kindergarten and school children took part in the all-day program, not only from Debrecen but also from Hajdúböszörmény. At the event, the hunting dog breed presentation and the performances of the Kuckó Art Farm were a great success, but the children also had crafts, woodcarving and gingerbread making, as well as the inevitable tug-of-war.

At the Forestry School in Nagerde, children can take part in forestry and wildlife management activities throughout the week. The interest is clearly indicated by the fact that these places were filled up weeks in advance.

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