The beginning of the year is busy at the Zoo of Debrecen, where a representative of a new species that has never been seen before, a young Cape parrot from the Zoo of Szeged, arrived recently.
The newcomer of unknown gender can already be seen on the parakeet line, even during this weekend’s Chirping Family Day, where all the feathered inhabitants of the Park will receive special attention.
As its common name suggests, the Cape parrot (Poicephalus robustus) is native to the evergreen forests of the southern tip of Africa, and in fact, it is the only endemic parrot species of the Republic of South Africa. In its habitat, it feeds on various seeds and fruits; its favorites are the fruits of the yellowwood species, which play an important ecological role in spreading their seeds. It becomes sexually mature at the age of 4-5; it also prefers to build its breeding den in the trunk of yellow trees, after which the male and the female take turns sitting on the eggs. Due to the reduction of its habitat and illegal trade, it is currently classified as vulnerable on the Red List of the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and its natural number is between 730 and 1,200. It is relatively rare in European zoos, as it can be found in a total of 10 – including two domestic – institutions.
Dr. Sándor Gergely Nagy
Executive Director