The “Forest in School” program, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, has been a great success, for which almost 500 institutions across the country registered at the beginning of February.
Forest pedagogues from Forestry Schools certified by the National Forestry Inventory visit the institutions, where students between the ages of 6 and 14 learn about the topics of forests and sustainability during interactive sessions.
The greatest interest in the program was in the county of Hajdú-Bihar county, where Anett Somné Huszti, the head of the Nagyerdei Forestry School, will visit 30 institutions until the end of May. Environmental education sessions have already taken place in Hajdúnánás, Vámospércs, Sárrétudvari, Hajdúszovát, Monostorpályi and Hajdúszoboszló. In Debrecen, the lower grades of the Lilla Téri Primary School were the first among the county seat’s 12 registered educational institutions to participate in this project.
(NYÍRERDŐ Nyírségi Erdészeti Zrt.)