Carbon monoxide poisoning may have caused a tragedy in Bodaszőlő

Local News

One person died of carbon monoxide poisoning in the Bodaszőlő part of Hajdúböszörmény, the deputy spokesperson of the National Disaster Management Authority (OKF) informed MTI on Sunday.

In his announcement, Imre Dóka wrote that on Sunday morning, the firefighters were called for help in Zelemér Street after a person showed no signs of life. The firefighters entered the eighty-square-meter building and found the resident, whose life could no longer be saved.

A stove was operating in one of the rooms of the house, and the firefighters measured a higher concentration of carbon monoxide even after the ventilation. Carbon monoxide poisoning cannot be ruled out, but the exact circumstances of the tragedy are being investigated by the disaster management, the deputy spokesperson indicated.

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