Agóra Science Experience Centre prepares for its 10th anniversary with special programs

Local News

On February 10, 2015, the Agóra Science Experience Centre opened its doors to the public in Debrecen, becoming a key institution in the region. Over the past ten years, nearly 370,000 people have participated in its programs. This year, the Agóra will celebrate its anniversary with special events.

According to the organizers, the primary goal of the unique institution in the eastern region is to popularize natural sciences and promote scientific awareness in an entertaining and creative way. Special attention is also given to inspiring children and young people to pursue careers in natural sciences.

Throughout the school year, on weekdays, the Agóra hosts groups of primary and secondary school students from across the country, while on weekends and during holidays, families and an increasing number of tourists visit. The daily program offerings include interactive games, experimental demonstrations, educational talks, and workshops. Additionally, the centre offers Botanical Garden walks, summer camps, club meetings, and themed weekend programs for both children and adults.

The Agóra is supported by a continuously expanding collection of unique equipment, including interactive displays, 3D printers, astronomical telescopes, and a planetarium, among others. Over the past decade, special events such as the FIRST LEGO League International Robotics Competition, NI Academy presentations, the Science on Stage Hungary Festival, and the TechCsajok science career event have been hosted. The Agóra has also organized fine arts exhibitions, concerts, and most recently, the Past Memories hologram exhibition, offering visitors the chance to explore a significant part of Hungarian and global technology history.

The Agóra is the only institution in the country offering the BASF Kids’ Lab and the Chemgeneration program, both available since 2016. In these programs, more than 20,000 students have conducted chemistry experiments in various topics. They explored how colors change with heat, how to detect vitamin C in fruits, and which types of plastics can decompose in just a few weeks.

Since 2021, the Agóra has hosted the WATCH program, a career orientation initiative aimed specifically at girls, supported by NI (now part of Emerson Test & Measurement Business). Through this program, young participants can try out engineering fields and, after an introductory training, take part in real 21st-century projects. Some of these projects, like the Laser Harp, Servo-Motor Clock, Plasma Disc, and Spinning Lotus, have permanent installations in the Agóra’s interactive space.

Since its inception, the Agóra has emphasized the development of digital skills and robotics. The centre’s teams have consistently achieved significant success at prestigious domestic and international robotics competitions.

To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the Agóra has planned unique programs. On its anniversary weekend, February 8-9, 2025, the focus will be on the wonders of natural sciences. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the world’s most colorful animals, the greatest achievements in space exploration, extreme sports feats, and the oldest mathematical curiosities. For example, they will learn which animal holds the long-distance running record, how an asteroid can be diverted, and whether it’s possible to play football on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Visitors will also be able to see demonstrations of the Agóra’s most popular experiments and meet dancing-singing robots. Since 2016, it has been a tradition that the Agóra’s birthday events are available at a discounted ticket price. During the anniversary weekend, tickets for both children and adults will be priced at 1900 HUF per person. More information about the detailed anniversary weekend program can be found on the Agóra’s newly revamped website.

The Agóra website also features a drawing competition titled “10 Years of Agóra”, open to preschoolers and primary school students. Children can choose between two themes: “My Agóra” or “My First Encounter with Science”. The deadline for submissions is March 9, 2025, and the best works will be displayed in an exhibition at the centre.

(Debreceni Nap)

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