Later arrivals missed hot lunch at Debrecen’s food distribution

Local News

This week, we became “smarter” about many things. We learned that the country is soaring and a wonderful future awaits us. Instead of the “dying” West, the current government brings the Eastern “paradise” to us, as stated by Kéretlen Figyelem Debreceni Nők Közéleti Egyesülete in their announcement about Sunday’s food distribution.

In the association’s report, we were pleased to read from the Deputy Mayor of Debrecen that the city is “unique” in its so-called welfare efforts. We fondly remember the city leader’s selfies where, with a deep sense of empathy, he smiles alongside a person of difficult circumstances, showing that he deeply understands what it means to be poor in a rapidly developing city. In this regard, the city is truly unique.

After all this, we were shocked to encounter the reality of life in today’s traditional food distribution. Despite all the empty slogans, people here in Debrecen are still struggling. They have to wait for the right moment and place to get a meal from civilians. For over 13 years, we have been consistently helping those on the fringes of society. We do this with small donations and out of our own pockets. Not a single cent of public funds has been spent, and we can reassure everyone that we have not received foreign contributions.

Something has gone terribly wrong, and it would be good if people realized that there is another, invisible Hungary where the fight for a slice of bread is a daily struggle. It was heartbreaking to see the poor continually arriving today. The 150 tickets were gone in half an hour, and at least thirty people only received baked goods—no hot lunch was available for them.

We deeply thank everyone who helped today to ensure we could provide a truly “rich” table. Thanks to the bakeries for the bread and pastries, thanks to the family who regularly brings pizza, thanks to the woman who made 150 doughnuts and even brought jam to go with them. We are grateful to the couple for the beautiful apples, and to the Debrecen retiree who regularly helps by bringing sweets for the children. It was a pleasure speaking with the lady who brought canned goods and children’s clothing.

Unfortunately, we are not wealthy people, so at our “non-holiday” food distributions, we can only provide food for 150 guests. We are forced to give out numbered tickets, and those who arrive late may not be able to get lunch. It’s difficult to accept, but sadly, we cannot do more.

With all our hearts, we turn to the citizens of the city. Support us so that no hungry Debrecen resident leaves Petőfi Square with an empty stomach. Believe us, giving is better than receiving.

In our opinion, the true strength of a city is shown in how it treats those on the margins of society. Does it reach down to those who are waiting for a helping hand? It is unacceptable that in the 21st century, in the heart of Europe, both adults and children are starving. We cannot pretend that poverty is not present in our daily lives.

We do not promise selfies; we are not doing this for likes. But we are grateful for any support we receive.

We firmly believe that human kindness and love have never been more needed in our beloved country than today. Hatred and exclusion lead nowhere. Let’s believe together in the power of love and human goodness. We ask for your support in a good and noble cause.

Anyone wishing to help or provide support can contact us at the following phone number: mobile (every day of the week): +36 30 9841 963.

Those who are able to, please support the association with one percent of your tax. Our tax number is: 18994766-1-09.

– Tukoráné Kádár Ibolya, the leader of the association –

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