Fatal accident on Faraktár Street: This may have caused the tragedy

Local News

The Traffic Police Department of the Hajdú-Bihar County Police Headquarters conducted an investigation against a resident of Debrecen for negligent road accident causing the death of more than two people.

According to the investigation, the woman was driving her car on Faraktár Street when she failed to yield while changing lanes, colliding with another vehicle. Both cars veered onto the sidewalk, hitting multiple pedestrians. As a result of the accident, three people lost their lives, and several others were injured.

The police have completed the necessary procedural actions and have forwarded the case to the prosecutor’s office with a recommendation for indictment.

A seven-year-old boy also lost his life

A few days after the accident, the number of victims rose to three following the death of a seven-year-old boy. Previously, a woman had died at the scene, and a week later, a staff member of the Csokonai Theater also passed away in the hospital.

“We are deeply saddened to learn that our colleague and friend, Hunya Szilvia, secretary of the opera department at the Csokonai National Theater, who was injured in the accident on Faraktár Street in Debrecen on March 4, 2024, has passed away today despite receiving professional medical treatment.”

announced the institution.

Shocking footage of the accident:

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