Young Hungarian Girl Develops Robotic Hands to Children Who Are Missing a Limb


Alexa Zsófia Vas, a Hungarian teenager decided that she would like to help children who are missing a limb. She wants them to be capable of doing things just like ordinary kids.Parents of those children who are missing a limb do not have to pay hundreds of thousands of forints for an artificial limb any more. Alexa Zsófia Vas, who was helped by the Péter Pázmány Catholic University’s Technology and Bionics Faculty, can create robotic hands to give the opportunity to children who are missing a limb to do things they could not do before. With the help of the new Hungarian invention children can ride the bike, walk their dogs or do anything that they want.

Alexa has just finished her high school studies and she wants to be an engineer. She was helped by the Péter Pázmány Catholic University’s Technology and Bionics Faculty to make her dream come true: the university – based on her idea – 3D printed a light, colourful robotic hand.

Children are growing fast and artificial limbs cost a huge amount of money. However, Alexa’s invention will cost only about 3-4,000 HuF (approximately 12 euros).

For the time being, Alexa’s model is only a prototype and it still takes at least a month to build it. Alexa presented the hand at the TUDOK student conference where she received a special prize.



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