The epidemic will turn out a little differently than expected, Cecília Müller said in a briefing from the operational board on Wednesday. For 10 days now, the epidemic curve has not been moving downwards, but a constant number has formed and the data do not change favorably. The reason for this is being investigated by everyone, the national chief medical officer added. We may be at the beginning of a third wave, but maybe mutant strains are causing this situation, the expert said.
According to Origo, Cecília Müller, a national chief medical officer, thanked the GPs for their help in administering the vaccines.
It is very important that they can now help with prevention
She added.
Cecília Müller said the number of people vaccinated should increase. 292,000 people received the first and 113,000 people received the second vaccine, she added. The Pfizer vaccine was shipped yesterday and it will get to the practices as well.
She added:
not enough vaccines arrived, but they nevertheless try to immunize the target groups as quickly as possible.
If someone has received both vaccinations and is fully protected and they come into contact with a sick person, they do not need to be quarantined, ”said Cecília Müller.
Cancer and autoimmune patients can also be vaccinated, but of course these diseases take place at different stages and need to be adapted during vaccination.
Said Cecília Müller, who emphasized that the doctor always decides on the vaccination strategy.
We hope that the period when the vaccination of non-chronic patients can begin is not far off, and it will be available to everyone in March.
Müller said.
Coronavirus has long been known as a pathogen
Said Cecília Müller. Earlier versions caused mild colds, but this new strain was formed through the mutation. Now they are investigating where this pathogen came from. Previously, the conifer was named as a mediating species, but this has not been proven, she added.
The current virus did not come from a laboratory, but it transfered from an animal to a human being.
The chief physician also spoke of an increase in the inheritance of the coronavirus epidemic in wastewater on a national average.
Cecília Müller said that she
urges everyone to be careful and cautious about the situation.
Szabolcs Békássy: The numbers seem to be deteriorating
The national GP collegial leader called the fact that local GPs also attend county defense committee meetings a big step forward in today’s briefing. All this helps the flow of information. GPs are also seeing data deteriorating and more and more people are getting sick.
Everyone has to continue following the epidemiological rules
Said the specialist. That is why confidence in vaccines needs to be further increased.
Many call their GP to see if they are on the vaccine list. Szabolcs Békássy asked the people
not to do so, the doctor will notify them when it is their turn.
He mentioned in the operative board briefing that the lists sent to doctors have not always been updated so far, but they have now been promised that those who have recently registered will also be on it. It was suggested that this be made available to doctors as early as the week. This week
– 2040 GPs can vaccinate chronic patients under 59 with AstraZeneca
– the elderly are vaccinated in 2964 practices,
– In Budapest, 560 GPs can send five patients to hospital vaccinations, they are vaccinated with Sputnik.
45,600 doses of AstraZeneca and 21,600 doses of Moderna vaccine will arrive on Thursday. Half of that is enough to vaccinate many people.
According to Szabolcs Békássy, after 2-3 quieter weeks, more and more infected patients have seen GPs in recent days.
Müller also talked about the fact that
the epidemic is a little different now than we expected, the second wave has stopped.
In recent days, mask wearing rules have also been relaxed in Miskolc and Kecskemét. Müller said
it’s too early to do so.