Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi is an “excellent army man” with longstanding experience in army service both in his home country and abroad, the defence minister told parliament’s defence committee at a hearing for the new commander of the Hungarian armed forces.
In the positions Ruszin has served in the defence ministry, the Major General has overseen the areas of military education and training for building a career in the armed forces, the system of volunteer reservists and military education for serving the homeland, Tibor Benkő told the committee. “Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi has performed all of his tasks with excellent results which is why I support him as a candidate for the post of army chief,” the minister said.
Speaking before the committee, Ruszin said his most important task was to continue developing the Hungarian army as a leading force in the region. He said further tasks included the procurement of customised military hardware, developing the army’s “cyber capabilities”, recruiting staff for combat tasks and streamlining the system of volunteer reservists.
Benkő announced Ruszin-Szendi’s nomination on Monday for the replacement of Colonel General Ferenc Korom whom the minister relieved of his post last week. Korom was relieved effective June 1 at his own request.