No more mask-wearing! More restrictions to be lifted soon


After five and a half million people got vaccinated, the mandatory mask wear will be abolished and new restrictions will be lifted, the portal reported on Wednesday afternoon.

The statement said that another phase of the lifting of several restrictions previously imposed due to the coronavirus epidemic would take effect after reaching 5.5 million people vaccinated.

Due to the high vaccination of the Hungarian population, the third wave of the epidemic has receded, the number of actively infected people is constantly decreasing, so life can gradually return to normal, they wrote.
According to the information, the government decree on the sixth stage of the phasing out of protection measures will be published in the Hungarian Gazette on Wednesday.

They highlighted that after 5.5 million people vaccinated, with the exception of hospitals and social institutions, mandatory mask-wearing will be abolished, and no mask will have to be worn in public areas, which are no longer needed, in shops and on public transport. At the same time, the use of masks should not be prohibited for anyone – attention was drawn.

It is a further relief that free access to catering shops, accommodation, leisure facilities and cultural events and performances with a forward-looking auditorium will be free of charge.

Customer restrictions per ten square meters for stores, as well as rules for keeping distances between customers, will also be removed.
In the case of family events and private events, the number limit of 50 people will increase to 100 people, and in the case of weddings, the number limit of 200 people will increase to 400 people.

Sports events, music and dance events, and other events held indoors or for more than 500 people in the open air will not be relaxed, the current rules will remain in place, ie the number of employees will remain limited and they can only be used with a certificate of protection. participate. It was emphasized that even under-18s can only attend these events with a security certificate or under the supervision of a protected person.

They added that universities and colleges could also be preparing to restore attendance education.
According to the information, in lifting the restrictions, the government took into account the results of the previous national consultation and the opinion of the Hungarian people on the gradual restart.

The announcement drew the attention of those who have not yet been vaccinated to the fact that the virus continues to spread in Europe and is even present in Hungary.

Vaccination is the strongest protection against the disease, they wrote. They also highlighted that the ​​registration website and the online appointment book are still open to everyone.



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