County vaccination data were published on
Vaccination is highest in Pest county (74%), Fejér county (70.6%) and Budapest (70.1%). Transplantation is higher in Transdanubia.
The counties with the lowest rate of vaccination are: Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok (59.7%), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (61.7%) and Hajdú-Bihar (62.2%). Again, those who have not taken the vaccine are asked to do so. Vaccination is equally available in all counties at hospital checkpoints and GPs, they write.
New diseases are caused by the delta virus mutant, the most at risk are the unvaccinated, so we ask them to register and take the vaccine as soon as possible. Less than 1% of vaccinees become ill, and the course of the disease is generally much milder in vaccinees. The majority of the Hungarian population has registered for vaccination and those who have not yet done so can still do so on the website After registration, it is possible to book an appointment at the GP and on the Internet at In the appointment book, all those with a valid registration can book an appointment for the first, missed second and third vaccinations.
During the Vaccination Action Week (November 22nd-29th), unvaccinated people may exceptionally arrive at the vaccination point without prior registration. In this case, they will be registered on site and vaccinated on a first-come, first-served basis. For those who have previously registered online, we still recommend that you make an appointment, whether you want to take your first or missed second or third vaccination.