Police: The Footage is Real, a Black Panther May Have Wander Near Kiskunhalas


Police found a trace of the wild animal.


According to the primary examinations, the shot taken near Kiskunhalas in the middle of last week is real and shows a black animal that looks like a big cat. Experts say there may be a black panther in the video. According to the authority, several notifications have been received since the recording was published, but only one of them could be linked to the animal sought.

Police in Kiskunhalas immediately went to the designated location, which was not far from the area seen in the previous recording. The policemen did not find the predator, but they probably saw traces of it at the scene.

Police are asking locals to notify relatives living in the area, including those who do not use the Internet. It was also reported that, in collaboration with associates, technical devices were installed at sites designated by professionals to locate the animal.

According to experts, the predator feeds on dogs, cats and goats, has a fundamentally hidden lifestyle, unpredictable, as it is believed that he has lived among people in captivity so far, it can traverse a large area. If anyone has information about the panther or has seen it, immediately call the Bács-Kiskun County Police Headquarters at 06-76 / 513-356 or one of the central emergency numbers 107, 112.

The video, which shows a big cat walking in the field, was shared by the mayor of Kiskunhalas, Norbert Fülöp, on Saturday.




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