Opposition Asks Orbán About Drone in Hungarian Airspace


Opposition parties asked Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Sunday about how a drone transporting a bomb could spend 40 minutes in Hungarian airspace.

DK, Jobbik, LMP, the Everyone’s Hungary Movement (MMM), Momentum, the Socialists and Párbeszéd said in a joint statement that Orbán must answer without delay and without hesitation whether the Hungarian armed forces are able to defend Hungary in view of the fact that on March 10, a TU-141 type drone stayed in Hungarian airspace undisturbed for 40 minutes and, according to the Croatian defence ministry, carried a bomb. The parties also asked Orbán whether Hungarian Gripens had been scrambled to intercept the drone and if not, why not. In case the Hungarian armed forces intercepted the drone, it is an unacceptable explanation that they did not think it posed any danger, the united opposition said.




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