Mi Hazánk Says Postal Workforce Under Excessive Strain


The opposition Mi Hazánk party has called for measures to improve the situation of postal workers, saying that the stretched and underpaid workforce was having to work overtime, and this could lead to disruptions in services in the long term.


Referring to Magyar Posta’s announcement last month of the closure of 35 post offices in Budapest, MP of the radical party János Lantos told a press conference on Wednesday that the measure would inconvenience customers while also threatening the livelihood of employees unable to travel to other workplaces. Postal workers are among the most underpaid in Hungary, he said, adding that their real pay, “barely above the minimum wage”, was worth even less amid rampant inflation. Lantos said Mi Hazánk backed a demand for a one-off government subsidy of postal workers’ household energy bills as well as a wage hike.





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