A strange video has been recorded on the streets of Budapest


A video recording was made of how two young people were speeding on an electric scooter in the bus lane on Karolina út in Újbuda without crash helmets or any kind of protective equipment. In addition, the man standing behind has a rolling suitcase that they were dragging behind them, writes the 24.hu.

We had a lot of questions after seeing a trending TikTok post. In the absurd shot, we can see a couple sharing an electric scooter, speeding down Karolina ut in Újbuda with their vehicle, and in the absence of a luggage rack, they managed to get their rolling suitcase to the finish line: they dragged it behind them with noble simplicity.

The road is full of potholes, so they go into several ones. The video also shows that the rolling suitcase with small wheels almost overturns, sways back and forth, and the man standing behind tries to keep it balanced.

The Union proposes an age limit, speed limit and crash helmet for electric scooters, writes MTI.

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) proposes uniform rules for electric scooters, including a factory-installed speed limit of 20 kilometers per hour and larger wheels with a diameter of at least 30.5 centimeters, and would require scooter users to wear crash helmets, the Brussels body wrote.

The proposals also include that electric scooters could only be used by persons over the age of 16, and the board would introduce a ban on the use of the vehicle on footpaths or while intoxicated.

The report responds to the rapid spread of e-scooter use over the past five years and the rise in related deaths and serious injuries. In the EU, the regulation of the use of electric scooters differs from member state to member state.

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