The Parliament is discussing the extension of the state of emergency


On Wednesday, the National Assembly will discuss the extension of the state of emergency due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, whose agenda includes the bill that transfers the right to maintain some rural hospitals to universities.

At the meeting starting at 9:00 a.m., those displaced from the Highlands will be remembered.

In 2012, the Parliament declared April 12, the starting day of the resettlement of the Hungarian population from the Highlands, as a day of remembrance for the approximately 100,000 Hungarians who were expelled from the Czechoslovak Republic and resettled in Hungary as a result of the Benes decrees.

After the speeches before the agenda, the Parliament will discuss the promulgation of the agreement between Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina on the exchange and mutual protection of classified data.

The agenda includes a proposal on the free ownership of certain state-owned assets, which creates the opportunity for the Central Statistical Office (KSH) to hand over the tablets acquired for last year’s referendum free of charge to, among other things, local governments, national ethnic governments, churches, health, social, child welfare, civil organizations engaged in child protection activities. KSH offers 32,000 tablets for recycling.

By amending the Act on water utility services, the legal background of the inspections carried out by the Energy Agency is determined, for example, it is established that in the future all inspections will be concluded with a decision.

The parliament is discussing the amendment of certain laws on health, health insurance and pharmaceuticals, on the basis of which several rural hospitals will become operators. The Gróf Tisza István Hospital in Berettyóújfalu is connected to the University of Debrecen, the Csongrád County Chest Diseases Specialist Hospital in Deskz and the István Bugyi Dr. Bugyi County Hospital in Szentes are connected to the University of Szeged, the Komló Health Center, the Mohács Hospital, the Szigetvár Hospital and the Siklósi Hospital in Pécs goes to university.

If the bill is passed, it will be forbidden to sell or serve hookahs to people under the age of eighteen in the future.

The amendments to laws necessary for more accessible consumer protection are discussed, which include amendments to conciliation bodies performing alternative dispute resolution tasks in order to increase their efficiency and accessibility.

By amending the law on the prevention and management of the consequences of an armed conflict in a neighboring country or a humanitarian disaster in Hungary, it will be possible for the government to extend the state of emergency for another 180 days. According to the justification, the maintenance of the special legal order is justified because the armed conflict and humanitarian disaster in the territory of Ukraine, as well as their consequences in Hungary, especially in the area of asylum, economy and energy, have not changed in the recent period.



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