Viktor Orbán made important announcements from Brussels


The European Commission must answer very serious questions at the meeting of the European Council: it must answer where the money went from the EU budget and who is responsible for bringing the European Union to the brink of financial bankruptcy after 2.5-3 years – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced Friday on Radio Kossuth Good morning, Hungary!.

In an interview broadcast from Brussels, the prime minister said: the committee announced halfway through the budget’s seven-year period that it had run out of money, and is now asking the member states to pay billions of euros more than what the budget otherwise requires.

He added: “There is a messy financial package for Ukraine” because the committee would give approximately 50 billion euros to Ukraine, although it is not even known what the 70 billion euros given to Ukraine so far went to, and why it was not enough.

In addition, he continued, the committee is now asking for a contribution of 18 or 19 billion euros to the increased interest burden of the renovation fund so that the Hungarians and Poles did not receive a penny from this fund. He indicated: there is also a larger amount allocated by the committee to facilitate the arrival of migrants to Europe, and they are asking for a few billion euros to raise their salaries while demanding that Hungary cancel the utility bill.

“So the Hungarian people should pay more for utilities at home, let’s send more money here, which will give them an extra salary. So, the way it is, it is absurd to such an extent that obviously not only a Hungarian, but the leader of almost every European Union member state will have a knife in his pocket,” he said.

The European Union wants to oblige Hungary to create “migrant ghettos” and to accept up to tens of thousands of migrants every year, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told Radio Kossuth Good Morning, Hungary! in his show on Friday.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the government will fight against this and has no intention of implementing such a measure.

Viktor Orbán called the procedure outrageous, during which the decision on the migration quota system was forced through the council of the Union’s interior ministers in a “coup d’état”.

The Soros network may be behind the decision, at the head of which “there has been a changing of the guard”, and the new generation is more politically active, said the Prime Minister, referring to the fact that György Soros handed over the management of his NGO network to his son.

Viktor Orbán sees that there is almost no chance that the leaders of the EU member states will accept the European Commission’s budget amendment proposals.

The prime minister said: “No one came to the European Council meeting to give more money to pay the bureaucrats of the European Union instead of their families and citizens who are in a difficult situation at home.”

He added: in the absence of an agreement, a long battle will begin, the European Commission will prepare another proposal, and “they will try to buy the votes of the member states one by one”.

One thing is clear: we, Hungarians, cannot accept the abolition of utility cuts in Hungary, we will not give money to raise the salaries of bureaucrats here, and we will not give more money to Ukraine until they tell us where the 70 billion went, which we gave at the time, and we consider the request to give extra money for an interest rate increase to a loan from which we never received the amount due to us to be completely ridiculous, absurd and impossible – said the Prime Minister.

The government has not given up and is making decisions one after the other that drag the inflation down – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Kossuth radio Good morning, Hungary! in his Friday show.

In the interview broadcast from Brussels, the prime minister explained: “From the first moment, we fight against inflationary price increases”, because “what we have to do is to break inflation”. So “we have to act actively and help people, we have to make decisions that suppress and break inflation,” he said.

He said: they agreed that inflation would be in single digits by the end of the year. We can now see that the measures they have taken are pulling inflation down, and there is a good chance that in the middle of the year, at the beginning of the second half, in July-August, the increase in wages will be higher than the increase in prices – highlighted by Viktor Orbán.

He emphasized that the economic protection action plan also aims to protect jobs and preserve the value of pensions and family allowances.

A ceasefire and peace talks are needed to end the war in Ukraine – Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stressed on Kossuth radio Good morning, Hungary! in his show on Friday.

The Prime Minister explained that there are two schools of thought in the assessment of the war in Ukraine within the European Union: the “big ones” say that we must continue on the path we have been on, the idea that the Russians can be defeated with Ukrainian soldiers and Western money and equipment works.

He added that he is the only one who opposes it. It’s been a year and a half, we’ve been doing what we’ve been doing; the result is zero, even negative, so we did not defeat Russia, the Russian political leadership is in place, the Russian economy, thank you very much, is fine, in comparison we suffer from high inflation, we no longer have money to support the Ukrainians, it is obvious, that the counterattack launched by the Uranians is difficult, or that it is questionable whether we can attach any hope to it at all – assessed the prime minister.

A lot of people died, and more will die, the devastation, the human pain and suffering that is created there is immeasurable, therefore all means must be used to achieve a ceasefire and peace negotiations, Viktor Orbán stated.


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