The Volánbusz company announces a strike coming this weekend, 23 thousand routes will be affected


The Volánbusz workers are on strike this weekend because they did not receive a wage improvement offer – reports on its website.

Volán Bus Drivers Preparing For a Strike

The Solidarity Bus Transport Union has announced a work stoppage at Volánbusz for December 10 and 11, citing the fact that no wage improvement offer has yet been made for 2024, the company told MTI on Friday. Volánbusz will provide sufficient services during the planned period of the strike, the list of expected non-operating flights is available on the transport company’s website.

Volánbusz Zrt. announced that none of the almost twenty interest representatives operating at the company has so far indicated their intention to join the work stoppage.

They indicated that within the framework of sufficient service, 80 percent of the flights will operate on the first day, and 55 percent on the second day, which means that Volánbusz plans to cancel a total of about 23,000 flights across the country over the two days. If the affected bus drivers do not join the work stoppage and take up work, more flights will run according to schedule.

Volánbusz continues to dispute the legality of the “unjustified work stoppage” and appeals against the ruling, “by which the first-instance court rejected its request regarding the illegality of the two-day strike announced by the Solidarity Bus Transport Union for this year”.

According to Volánbusz, the dispute is not about the possibility of a strike, but about its timing. According to the company’s point of view, there is neither reason nor legal possibility for a work stoppage this year, since the wage agreement valid for this year is in force within the framework of the collective agreement, which the management of Volánbusz fully complied with.

As a responsible employer, it is the company’s intention and interest to agree on next year’s salary increase.

For Volánbusz, the greatest value is its employees, which is why it values its employees, strives to retain them and increase their satisfaction

they said. Volánbusz has stated several times in the past, and now emphasizes, that it is committed to a wage agreement as soon as possible, which it would conclude with the interest protection organizations entitled to it by January 20, 2024, at the latest, writes


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