Stormy and windy weather is expected until Christmas


Wednesday may start foggy in a large area, but a cold front will move in during the day, and the northwest wind rising in more and more directions will tear up the fog cover and layer clouds, reports Időkép in its latest forecast.

The front does not promise much precipitation, but there is a chance of light rain and showers in the northwest, and a peak temperature of between 0 and 10 degrees is expected.

On Thursday afternoon, the clouds of a warm front are already moving over us from the northwest, rain is expected in more and more areas from the evening, sleet in the northeast, and snow may occur in places. The southwesterly wind will be brisk in many places during the day, it can be strong in the north, and peak values between 3-9 degrees are expected.

On Friday, the warm front will again be replaced by a cold front, then on Saturday another cold front, but on Sunday (Christmas Eve) a warm front may arrive, to the sincere sorrow of those sensitive to fronts.

According to the weather portal, on frontal days, the wind from the west and northwest can often be strong and stormy, and it can rain several times in several directions. In the northeast, snow, sleet, rain and showers are expected in the southwest.

The peak temperature will be between 4-10 degrees on Friday and 2-7 degrees on Saturday, but on Sunday it will warm up: it can be 13-14 degrees in the southwest, but the temperature will remain close to freezing in the northeast.

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