HB County Police also participated in the coordinated three-days inspection.
The main goal of the action was to ensure the proper use of the seat belts, and child safety systems.
There were 239 police staff involved in the road safety action along with 29 other person
(9 traffic controller, 11 special constables etc.)
At the same time the National Transport Authority was checking the technical conditions of the
vehicles. They checked 5455 adults and 661 children of whom 137 adults had not used the seat belts and 7 children
were without the safety of the child safety system. There were breath test in 1891 cases, 50 drivers consumed alcohol and
1 drunk-driver lost his driving licence on the spot.
The usage of the seat belts and safety chairs are very high in our county with a 98-99%.
HB County Police Department – Press release