More than 1800 elderly people become a victim of crimes every year in Hajdú-Bihar county. The older people are generally weaker and more vulnerable due to their age and physical condition.
Berettyóújfalu Police arrested 4 people of suspicion of theft and robbery after a several month long
The first crime happened on the 25th of July 2009 when they broke into an elderly man"s house.
They took his food from the fridge and his hidden savings from a wooden box. A month laterthey
appeared again,managed to get into the housethrough the kitchen window. The old man was lying
in his bed when they scrambled down to the ground and demanded cash.
The suspects of both crimesare 4 residents in Hencida, a juvenile boy, two men and a woman.
The Criminal Department of Berettyóújfalu Police will continue theinvestigation and impose the
pre-trial detention of the suspects.