Summary for 29 October


Events of the last 24 hours

The police caught five people yesterday, from which two were caught in the act of committing crimes and one was taken to the police station of Debrecen on the basis of a warrant for arrest issued by the court. Two people were caught staying illegally in the country.

There were two traffic accidents, from which one resulted in serious injuries and one in minor ones.

Two foreign people, a man and a woman, tried to cross the border at the Ártánd crossing-point without any legal documents; both of them were caught by the border-guards.

A 64 year old man broke into a liquor store on Ibolya Utca yesterday at 2 o’clock. A local resident noticed the burglar and called the police. The police found the perpetrator in his nearby apartment and took him to the police station. Ferenc K. was interrogated; a procedure was initiated against him on reasonable suspicion of theft.


Hajdú-Bihar Central Police Station

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