A young man made a confession this morning at the Debrecen Regional Court of Appeal: he was selling marijuana for months to another man and to three Nigerian students of the university.
Bálint L., high school student was selling marijuana to three Nigerian university students. The Nigerians were buying not only for themselves but to create a clientele from other foreign university students. From 2014 until now, the three Nigerians sold more than 600 grams of marijuana for 49 people; most of their customers were British, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian, Israeli, Canadian, Norwegian, Swedish, Taiwanese and Turkish students.
The first trial was held this morning; the indictment is dealing in narcotics as part of an organized group. Besides Bálint L., the Nigerian A.J. was also interrogated as the secondary co-defendant and he also made a confession.
According to the Public Prosecutor, A.J. and Bálint L. met and started their activity in 2014. The Africans used Facebook to get in touch with their clients; marijuana was referred to as “book”, “chemistry” or “chemistry book” and they delivered it at the Institute of Chemistry for 2-3 thousands of Forints per grams.
The trial continues in October when the other defendants will also be interrogated.
Source: debreceninap.hu