A 44-year-old woman strangled another woman to death, buried her body in the garden and moved into her house in Szeged.
A missing woman was reported in Szeged in July 2018. After a thorough investigation, another woman became a suspect. It turned out that the two women were friends. In May 2017, the two of them were arguing about something and the 44-year-old one strangled the other to death.
The body was buried in the garden. After the incident, the suspect was living in the house of the victim for almost a year.
On 26 February 2019, detectives of the Csongrád County Police Headquarters have found the body buried in the garden.
It also turned out that the woman has had a partner in the crime, a 45-year-old man helped her to bury the body.
A procedure was initiated against the woman on reasonable suspicion of homicide.
Source: debreceninap.hu