Four were injured in the accident at Zsáka

Berettyóújfalu police have completed their investigation.

The Traffic Police Department of the Berettyóújfalu Police Headquarters has initiated proceedings against a man for a well-founded suspicion of committing a road accident. According to the investigation, the suspect was driving his car inside Zsáka on December 20, 2021, around 2:30 p.m. When he reached the intersection of the main road No. 47 and Deák Ferenc utca, the man turned his vehicle to the left, during which he did not give priority to another car, so they collided. Three were mild in the accident, while one was seriously injured. Investigators interrogated the 67-year-old man as a suspect, during which he testified.

The Traffic Police Department of the Berettyóújfalu Police Department carried out the necessary procedural steps and sent the resulting documents to the competent prosecutor’s office.

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