Man from Mezőpeterd beat the seller of a tobacconist’s shop in the head with a backpack full of bricks


In the framework of a remote hearing, the panel of the Debrecen Jury led by Dr. Olivér Gömöri discussed the following case on October 10 at 1 p.m.

In June 2022, the Debrecen Court of First Instance sentenced the accused M. I., as a repeat offender, to life imprisonment and a 10-year ban from public affairs for the premeditated and attempted murder committed for profit. The accused may be released on parole after 25 years at the earliest.

The prosecutor’s office appealed against the verdict in order to establish special cruelty as a qualifying circumstance and to aggravate the punishment, the accused and his lawyer appealed for acquittal, wrong classification, and for mitigation.

According to the facts established by the first-instance court, the accused moved home from Germany to Hungary shortly before committing the crime. He lived in his parents’ house, had no permanent job or regular income, and led a drinking lifestyle.

The man decided in March 2020 that he would acquire money and other assets. He cycled to Mezőpeterd with three bricks in a plush children’s backpack, where he looked for a tobacco shop. He wanted to commit a similar crime as he had previously done in Germany, where his actions caused the victim’s death.

The man knew that due to the epidemic situation, only one customer could be in the tobacco shop, so he waited until another customer left the store, then went inside and asked the seller for cigarettes.

The victim turned to take the tobacco from the shelf when the man hit the woman on the head with the backpack full of bricks, which caused her to fall to the ground.

The man approached the victim lying on the ground and hit her on the head several times with the backpack filled with bricks. The seller did not lose consciousness, she kept trying to defend herself, so the man ran out of the store without money and cigarettes, left the backpack behind, and fled on the bicycle.

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