The Debrecen police arrested the couple who robbed a man in Debrecen


The Debrecen police have completed the investigation of the case against the couple who, according to well-founded suspicion, stole nearly one million forints from a man.

On the night of November 5, 2022, a man reported to the police that he had been robbed in Debrecen. Several patrol units immediately rushed to the scene. As it turned out, the victim met a couple, and then they started drinking together. In a careless moment, he noticed that she was rummaging in his coat. He said this, so they both fell on him, beat him, took his jacket with the cash in it, his mobile phone and even unhooked his watch from his wrist. According to the data of the investigation, the aim of the couple was to make their victim drunk and take his valuables. However, the man did not let go, so they beat him and then fled the scene in a hurry. The victim suffered minor injuries as a result of the abuse.

The officers immediately started looking for the perpetrators and it only took an hour to catch them. HUF 900,000 in cash and a watch were also found in the woman’s clothing. After questioning them as suspects, the investigators took them into criminal custody and submitted a motion for their arrest, which was ordered by the District Court of Debrecen.

The Criminal Division of the Debrecen Police Department conducted an investigation against them due to the well-founded suspicion of having committed the crime of robbery. The police carried out the necessary procedural actions and sent the resulting documents to the competent prosecutor’s office.

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