A man roamed multiple underground garages in Debrecen, stealing more than 3 million forints (approx. 7 252,89 EUR) worth of valuables from parked cars. His crime spree came to an end early Wednesday morning when police apprehended and detained him.
Last month, police received several reports of thefts in Debrecen. It was discovered that the thief targeted cars in underground garages, searching two unlocked vehicles and breaking a windshield on one occasion to loot its contents.
The burglar’s activities were halted early Wednesday morning when patrol officers responded to a report of a suspicious person. Upon seeing the officers, the man attempted to flee but was caught after only a few meters. He was then detained and questioned, during which he confessed to the crimes.
Detectives placed the 41-year-old resident of Hajdúhadház in criminal custody and initiated proceedings to have him remanded in custody. He is under investigation for theft.