Pastor charged with molesting minor girls in Hajdú-Bihar County


The Hajdú-Bihar County Chief Prosecutor’s Office has filed charges against a man – who has since been suspended from his ecclesiastical duties – who abused his position of power and influence to molest two girls attending his religious education classes.

According to the indictment, the accused served in ecclesiastical roles in several towns in Hajdú-Bihar County, and from 2011 onward, he also conducted religious instruction in schools in multiple municipalities. In the second half of the previous school year, he molested two minor girls who attended his religious education group, exploiting his position of power to make sexual advances toward them.

During the investigation by the Hajdú-Bihar County Police Headquarters, the man was taken into custody and subsequently placed under arrest, and he is currently under criminal supervision.

The Hajdú-Bihar County Chief Prosecutor’s Office has charged the man with aggravated sexual assault and sexual abuse. In its indictment, the office has proposed a sentence of imprisonment to be served, as well as a permanent ban on any occupation involving minors.


Picture: illustration.

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