Volunteer associations, foundations, small-scale producers, and institutes and departments of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management welcomed visitors to the Green Fair on Tuesday at the University of Debrecen’s Böszörményi út campus. The event included lectures on environmental awareness and soil protection.
The Green Fair, organized by the Environmental Committee of the Student Union of the University of Debrecen, was held for the 14th time. Ruben Martyin, the vice-president of the committee, said at the opening ceremony that this year’s event can be considered a milestone in sustainability and environmental awareness.
The Green Fair was attended by representatives of Debrecen Zoo, Zöld Kör, E-Misszió Egyesület, Future of Debrecen, Nagy Fivérek Méhészete, and the Tiszatáj Public Foundation. In addition to voluntary associations, foundations, and small-scale producers, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management was also present at the event, with the Department of Wildlife Conservation and Game Management and the Institute of Agrochemistry and Soil Science welcoming visitors.