If you are interested in arts, you will have the opportunity to visit different kinds of displays in the region during August and September.
- 25th Summer Display in Balassagyarmat (Nógrád county) until the 30th of August. The exhibition can be visited between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the weekends in the Hotváth Endre Gallery (50. Str. Rákóczi).
- The exhibition of Mária Czene, painter is also in Balassagyarmat and it can be visited until the 27th of September in the Serbian Church (5. Str. Szerb) between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday.
- In Debrecen you can visit the fine art display of László Holló and János Bozsó until the 7th of September in the City Centre Gallery (Belvárosi Galéria) anytime from Monday to Sunday. The title of the display is Hungarian Landscape.
- Also in Debrecen, in the Benedek Elek Library (68. Str. Piac) you can visit the exhibition of Attila Serfőző, painter until the 7th of September. The title of the display is Behind Locked Doors.
- Until the 9th of September you can visit a special cultural programme in Déri Museum (1. Déri square) with the title Et-Lettera – writing pictures, drawing words. The programme containes two exhibitions of European literacy. The displays can be visited between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from Tuesday to Sunday in the Zolnai Room (Zolnai Terem).
- In the Life Science Gallery of the university (Élettudományi Galéria – 1. Egyetem square) you can visit the photo display of László T. Nagy until the 30th of August.
- In the Sesztina Gallery (3/A Hal köz) you can visit the exhibition of Endre Szász, painter (1926-2003) until the 8th of September.
Source: www.derimuz.hu, www.debreceniest.hu