Yesterday (15th of May) a new statute has been erected and inaugurated in front of the main building of the University of Debrecen.On the 15th of May, 2018 the statue of Kunó Klebelsberg, a former Minister of Religion and Public Education, was erected and inaugurated in front of the main building of the University of Debrecen. The statute is an artwork made by Richard Juha sculptor. The former Minister of Religion and Public Education deserved this remarkable commemoration due to his work for both the country and the University of Debrecen.
At the inauguration ceremony, István Ádam Bognár the president of the Student Union of the University of Debrecen, Zoltán Szilvássy the Rector of the university, dr. László Papp the mayor of Debrecen, Lajos Kósa Parliamentary Representative and Zoltán Balog the Minister of Human Resources had speeches.
Source and photos: Debrecen Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata