The widest range of instruments, renowned master instructors, continuous development and excellent career opportunities, as well as a family-oriented, personalized training program, await those who would continue their studies at the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen.
The Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen attracts prospective students with an outstanding training offer in a national context, and the Faculty of Music consciously tries to offer the widest range of training. The recorders can choose from a wide variety of instruments, assisted by music educators with the highest professional knowledge during their studies.
The faculty currently has about 250 students studying. According to Péter Lakatos, Dean of the Faculty of Music at the University of Debrecen, demographic data and the current interest in classical music also influence the application numbers from year to year. What makes the Faculty of Musicspecial is that applicants for undergraduate courses in creative and musicology, as well as performing arts, master’s programs, and specialist training, can study in most majors here, making this exciting, diverse training mix attractive.