Dr. László Végh, a popular lecturer at the University of Debrecen, has passed away


On the evening of August 9, 2023, at the age of 74, Dr. László Végh, a retired senior scientist at the Nuclear Research Institute and a popular lecturer at the University of Debrecen, announced the institution.

His funeral will begin on September 5, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at Debrecen Public Cemetery No. 2. in the funeral hall according to the rites of the reformed church.

Biography of László Végh:

  • László Végh was born in Ártánd in 1948 and lived in Debrecen since 1956.
  • He is married and has three children.
  • In 1972, he obtained a physics degree with honors from Lajos Kossuth University.
  • On August 1, 1972, he became a scientific assistant at the Nuclear Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • He defended his university doctoral dissertation in 1974.
  • In 1981, he obtained a candidate’s degree.
  • In 1982, he became a senior scientific associate.
  • He retired in 2012.
  • He went on study trips of three months or more to Sweden, the Soviet Union, Japan, the United States, and Germany.
  • His scientific results have been published in nearly fifty international scientific publications, and he has numerous references.
  • He has been teaching at Lajos Kossuth University (today Debrecen University) since 1973, and since 1991 he has been giving his semester series of lectures promoting the latest results of physics and natural sciences, as well as sustainable development and the relationship between natural science and religion.
  • Among the materials of his lectures, Sustainable Development was published in 1999 and Natural Science and Religion in 2002.
  • His other books are Sustainable Life on Earth (2005) and László Végh, Dorottya Szám and Zsolt Hetesi: Last Attempt (2008).
  • From the scope of sustainable living, approx. He gave 100 public lectures at home and in Transylvania.
  • Since 1984, he has been a titular associate professor at Kossuth Lajos University.
  • Between 1998 and 2001, he was a Széchenyi professor scholarship holder.
  • In 1989, the Eötvös Loránd Physics Society awarded the Pál Selényi prize, in 2008 with the Prometheus medal, In 2013, with the Ferenc Kerekes Award of the Debrecen Reformed College, In 2018, the city of Debrecen honored him with the Hatvani award.

(Debrceni Nap)

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