The large-scale road repair works continued on 20 May 2021 in Rózsástelep Street, Debrecen-Józsa. Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs and Member of Parliament Lajos Kósa held a press conference on this.
Rózsástelep utca is about 1,200 meters long, of which the 650-meter-long section between Felsőjózsai and Várdai Miklós streets and the intersection here will be renovated with a gross value of HUF 45 million, which will be provided by the local government from its own resources. Renovation work is expected to take 2 weeks, depending on the weather.
We also did such work in Józsa last year. Asphalting took place in the continuation of Silye Gábor Street, and in the previous year we carried out works on Barakonyi and Gát Streets. In addition, this year there will be large-scale asphalting in Függetlmény utca, where starting from Felsőjózsai utca, the asphalt pavement will be renewed in a length of about 120 meters and on Szordasi út, 400 meters between the railway crossing and Meszesi streets. 5 meters wide – said Deputy Mayor Ákos Balázs, the local government representative of the area.
The primary goal of the road renovation works is to ensure that the paved road, which is about 560 km long and is maintained by the municipality, is in a suitable condition suitable for traffic at all times.
In terms of population, Józsa is growing year by year. The task is not to get as many people as possible to move to Józsa, but to improve the quality of life and transport, said Lajos Kósa, Member of Parliament.
In 2021, 25 complete road sections or part of them will receive new asphalt carpets from their own resources. In the large-scale road renovation program, car parks will also be renewed, and a new car park will be built in the Tócóskert. 40 new parking spaces will be created here.
Photo: János Miskolczi