On Friday and Saturday, Vámospércs will be the capital of Hungarian literature. On these two days, a conference and a mini-festival entitled The Poetics of the Hungarian Great Plain will be held. The naming ceremony of the library in Vampospércs will be held at the conference. Those interested can visit the permanent exhibition of the Vámospércs Artists’ Colony and Graphic Workshop during the two-day guided tours, as well as visit the Hajdú Visitor Center, which was handed over last year.
What is the charm and magic of the Great Plain? Why, according to the dynamics of radical affirmation and marked denial, can literary attention to the Great Plain develop simultaneously? Who are the authors who have defined thinking about it for a long time? What is the difference between the lowland pictures of Kazinczy, Petőfi, Jókai, Ady, Kosztolányi, Móricz and János Térey?
What language strategies and narrative paths lead to different approaches? What metamorphoses do typically ‘lowland’ and ‘literary’ topos such as the mirage, plain, sheer go through?
The conference and mini-festival of the Association of Young Writers on March 4 and 5 in Vámospércs is looking for answers to such and similar questions.
True to its traditions, FISZ has chosen a special and stylish venue: the participating literary historians think about the poetics of the Great Plain, 250 km from Budapest, in the southern part of Hajdú-Bihar County, in Vámospércs. The special moment of the conference will be the naming ceremony of the library in Vampospércs: the smallest town of Hajdú will take the name of its laurel-winning poet János Térey.
Literary historian Artemisz Harmath, the widow of János Térey and Mayor Andrea Ménes, then Veronika Bán-Horváth, Mihály Hoppál and Péter Górász will give a musical reading of Térey’s writings related to Vámospércs. Two literary historians – Gábor Bednanics and Péter Szirák – will also discuss the work of the author, who died in 2019.
List of speakers in Vámospércs: Gábor Bednanics, Péter Bényei, Ferenc Máté Bodrogi, Ákos Herczeg, Kriszta A. Kiss, Márton Mészáros, Viktor Pataki, Boton Szincágyi, Péter Szirák, Richárd Vincze.
Those interested can visit the permanent exhibition of the Vámospércs Artists’ Colony and Graphic Workshop during the two-day guided tours, and they can also visit the Hajdú Visitor Center, which was handed over last year.
Vámospércs Cultural House zqs handed over – more than half a billion investments completed