Until January 31th, even those who like to extend the Christmas holiday have the opportunity to place the pine trees at the collection points.
The A.K.S.D. City Management Kft. is waiting for the dead pine trees at the collection points of the city so that they can be given a “new life” after composting. The company’s employees clean the pine trees of their decorations before they are used, and then shred them. 2-4 cm chips are thus produced from the pines, which are used in this form to make Agromass Kombi compost – reads the A.K.S.D. Kft.’s social page. The company is waiting for the pine trees until January 31.
Residents living in residential areas with gardens can use the free green waste collection point at Vértesi út 9/B. s. can be found at the Regional Waste Management Plant under
In the housing estates, the trees must be placed next to the route of the communal collection route, from where they are transported twice a week to the A.K.S.D.
(Debreceni Nap)