The Mangalicatenyésztők Országos Egyesülete (an association of mangalica breeders) is going to hold its 10th festival in Debrecen.
One-third of Hungary’s breeding sow stock is found in the Eastern region of the country. 20.000 of the yearly 50-60.000 porkers are slaughtered in slaughterhouses, the rest in private homes. 50% of the meat processed in slaughterhouses is exported; the different parts to different countries.
Deputy Mayor of Debrecen, László Papp said the city welcomes the festival for the third time. The event is going to be organized for the 10th time in Hungary. Pens are going to be set up in the main square of Debrecen so that interested ones – especially children – can see and learn more about live animals. Approximately 15.000 visitors are expected to come to the event to be held on 13-15 April. Besides the mangalica products, cheeses, spices and oils are going to be offered.
Source: MTI